“Giving people opportunities. That’s what the double title stands for. What people look like is their 'armour', their protection to be left alone or to look tough. Give people a chance to shed their 'armour' and make way for 'amour'.” — Mous Lamrabat
Clothing is a powerful tool when it comes to self-expression. For some, it is an expression of all kinds of emotions, for others a way to protect themselves. From colorful extravagance and introverted sobriety to humorous winks and religious references through clothing. This layering of interpretations can be found in the colorful work of photographer Mous Lamrabat.
Until September 2, you can visit the exhibition A(R)MOUR by Mous Lamrabat at MAD Brussels. The expo is an ode to love and provides a colorful look at the fragile or sometimes powerful protection that clothing can offer us. To mark the end of the exhibition, fashion journalist Aya Noël engages in a conversation with photographer Mous Lamrabat and stylist Lisa Lapauw. About their artistic vision and influences from pop culture, as well as the power of clothing and their most inspiring encounters. After the lecture, you can visit the exhibition until 22:00.
Date & timing: Thursday 31 August
Doors open: 18h30
Start of the lecture: 19h00
End of the lecture:20h00
The exhibition is open until 22h00
Address: MAD Brussels, Place du Nouveau Marché aux Grains 10 / Nieuwe Graanmarkt 10, 1000 Brussel.
Price: The lecture and exhibition are free. Places are limited, registration is required.