Do you speak Dance?

Talk & workshop

© Pauline Arnould
11:00 — 13:00: Workshop
​16:00 — 18:00: Talk

On Saturday, June 29, you can find "Do you speak Dance" at MAD Brussels for a workshop and talk.

‘Do you speak Dance?’ is a nomadic program of conferences and dance activities in order to create spaces for meetings, dialogue and sharing in various neighborhoods of Brussels by questioning the links between dance and society. 


Discover the program

WORKSHOP: Twerk & Improvisation with Marlla Araujo
11:00 — 13:00

The aim of this workshop is to move without judgment, exploring the space and mobility of the pelvis, producing energy by connecting with the core. To get in touch with some history context about Twerking roots, getting involved with the Brazilian popular music (pop, funk, brega-funk), to sweat, to work on our self confidence, to have fun and to discover new movements as tools of care and stimulation of pleasure with your own body, activating emotional and bodily healing mechanisms based on shaking and releasing.

TALK: 'Domaines de luttes et d'émancipation par les danses'
16:00 — 18:00

Dance belongs to the history of social movements. Not entirely militant nor communal art, it participates in decolonial, feminist, and queer movements. The latter opens up new perspectives on body, gender, as well as collective and individual history. Generating, thus, new choreographies and renewed imagery; dance liberates, emancipates, creates fighting tools, and brings joy. We see a new generation rising to these tasks, both at the margins and on the institutional scenes.

How do decolonial theory, queer culture, and feminism, influence the field of dance? How can it free bodies from all kinds of violence? How can a new generation of artists increase the visibility of minorities’ experiences? Through which use of the outfit, the costume, of fashion?

The speakers are:

  • Iris Deroeux, moderator
  • Marlla Araujo
  • Nick Coutsier
  • Lila Magnin



Date & hours:

Saturday 29 June

  • 11:00 — 13:00 : Twerk & Improvisation workshop with Marlla Araujo
  • 16:00 — 18:00 : Talk 'Domaines de luttes et d'émancipation par les danses'
  • 10:00 — 18:00 : visit the 'Fashion Moves' exhibition  

Price: 'Pay what you can'. The suggested price for the conference is 8€ and for the workshop 10€. Registration is required. Register via this link.

Address: MAD Brussels, Place du Nouveau Marché aux Grains 10 / Nieuwe Graanmarkt 10, 1000 Brussels

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