Inside Stories #4 | Live talk by Girls Like Us

MAD Windows

09.07 19:00 - 20:00
Inside Stories, a series of live talks by 19 actors of change, selected by MAD, Home of Creators. Join us for #4 w/ Girls Like Us Jessica Gysel & Katja Mater on 09.06 at 19:00 (English).  —MAD Windows: Inside Stories  The 'MAD Windows' is a place for sharing experiences, know-how and interactions. For Inside Stories, we selected 19 actors of change, professionals acting and reflecting on pressing issues of our society in transition through their design- and other creative skills. Via a series of livestream sessions, they'll share their stories, know-how and insights through a talk or workshop. —Talk: A.LL B.ODIES C.ONSPIRING ‘A.ll B.odies C.onspiring’ is a lecture in the guise of an ABC talking about the ins and outs of queer and feminist publishing.Brought to you by Girls Like Us magazine, it uses quotes and excerpts from all issues as a base, with addedimages from the magazine, events, exhibitions, book fairs and other activities the magazine is involved in. Basically,the talk explores what it means to make a queer and feminist printed magazine today. —About Girls Like Us & Jessica Gysel GIRLS LIKE US is an independent journal turning the spotlight on an international community of women from all breeds within arts, culture & activism. Through personal stories, essays and vanguard visuals GIRLS LIKE US unfolds feminist legacies in a playful yet radical way. Mixing politics with pleasure, the magazine is mapping collaborative routes towards a non-patriarchy. Jessica Gysel is an editor and consultant living between Brussels and Amsterdam. She’s the founder and publisherof Girls Like Us magazine, a queer and feminist arts publication. Next to the magazine, Girls Like Us hosts a plethoraof events, ranging from film screenings, exhibitions, talks, workshops, presentations, temporary shops and parties. Jessica is also the founder and programmer of Girls Heart Brussels, a platform to discover a hand-picked selectionof the best things that lesbian and feminist Brussels has to offer. The highlight: a bi-yearly weekend get together targetingan international audience of lesbians and their friends. On the menu: a bigger, cultural event in Brussels withadded ingredients such as a lesbian tour, parties, lectures and an optional hotel. —Link will be shared via Facebook


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