Mousganistan by Mous Lamrabat

Book signing session

14:00 — 18:00

Get your copy of Mousganistan signed by Mous Lamrabat at MAD Brussels on Saturday 24 August!

Last year, you could explore the colourful work of photographer Mous Lamrabat at MAD Brussels. The exhibition A(R)MOUR was not only embraced by the general public, but also received a lot of national and international attention and was awarded a Visit Brussels Award. This year, Mous Lamrabat released his very first book entitled 'Mousganistan'. On Saturday 24 August, you can get your copy signed by the Belgian-Moroccan photographer at MAD Brussels.


About Mousganistan

Mousganistan is the first oeuvre overview of the acclaimed Belgian-Moroccan photographer Mous Lamrabat. The book celebrates love and freedom and explores the ‘in-between’ universe that Lamrabat created in his work. A universe in which contradictions merge into beauty and abundance, and in which new connections and dialogues arise.

Using both his iconic fashion images and his personal work, Mousganistan explores themes such as migration, capitalism, religion and culture. Sharp, but always cheerful. Mous Lamrabat challenges our views on cultures and leads us to another possible world with humor, joy and courage.



Dates and hours:

  • Saturday 24 August 2024.
  • From 14:00 to 18:00. Reserve your spot during one of the indicated time slots (14:00 - 15:00 / 15:00 - 16:00 / 16:00 - 17:00 / 17:00 - 18:00). There are 40 places available per time slot.

Price: The signing session is free of charge. You can purchase the book 'Mousganistan' on August 24 at MAD Brussels for 65 euros. 

Address: MAD Brussels, Place du Nouveau Marché aux Grains 10 / Nieuwe Graanmarkt 10, 1000 Brussels



  © Mous Lamrabat
  © Mous Lamrabat
  © Mous Lamrabat
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