Ever since I completed my studies, my approach has always been based on quality, and innovation on a technical and design level. My interest in big designers but also in suppliers’ production manufacturing has helped me evolve towards a practice that reflects my influences’ strong points. Besides fashion, I have also tried my hand at street art and design. For me, these disciplines are highly complementary.
That is why my approach can be summed up in few words: creativity, skill and quality. First, I created several collections of top of the range jeans and basics and now I am focused towards a very specific niche – exclusive sneakers made to measure from original materials. In short, what defines me is the combination of my knowledge of pattern making, styling and sports’ practice (basketball) applied to the fabrication of an urban and versatile shoe. A garment or a pair of sneakers should, in my opinion, be timeless and manufactured using traditional artisan methods that lengthen their lifespan and mean they are repairable (almost guaranteed for life).