"I know that in this process, I am still learning, and I will always be a student of life."

Interview with Theodore Godson

14 October 2024

Meet Theodore Godson, a graduate of Haute École Francisco Ferrer and the creative force behind Living Rock. This collection is far more than Theodore's graduation project, as it marks the launch of his brand HOLYMPUS. With roots in Congo and Greece, the visionary graduate blends his cultural heritage with innovative design, inviting us to explore a world where identity and comfort converge. This collection draws inspiration from the rich mineral resources of his homeland, conveying a powerful message about exploitation and sustainability. Living Rock is part of the exhibition FUTURE GENERATION: Graduate Show, at MAD Brussels, until November 16th, 2024. Get to know the visionary behind HOLYMPUS, and catch a glimpse of the future of fashion.

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Can you tell us more about yourself and your journey so far?

I am just a young creative from Kortrijk, who was born and raised in Congo. I was born in a very big family, surrounded by amazing beautiful people. By the age of twelve I came to Belgium to follow my studies, and that was a complete change in my life. Back in the days, we didn’t even have the internet, I didn’t know what social media was! It was when I came to Belgium that I cultivated my interest in all the things I’ve been doing recently. I’m just a young passionate creative who wants to do something in this universe.

During the opening night of Future Generation, my brother said something to me that really caught my eye. He said: “Theo, do you remember how we used to put outfits on and go outside to take pictures?”. That was probably more than ten years ago! So I thought to myself, it probably happened around the time I came to Belgium that I gained more interest in how people are dressing. I was getting more into the sneakerhead community, and navigating this new environment. I guess my passion just grew naturally. 

Living Rock is my first collection for HOLYMPUS, the brand I am creating. I am from Congolese and Greek descent, so I try to mix a bit of the two and create something beautiful that pays homage to where I come from, and the things I represent. If I had to choose one thing I want people to remember from my graduate collection, I want to share the message that they should feel comfortable while embracing their identity. Comfort is key. 

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What did your creative process look like for this first collection? 

My creative process is always a long journey. I like what Michelangelo says: “I’m still learning”. And that’s my motto. I know that in this process, I am still learning, and I will always be a student of life. I am not shy to take the time for research. 

It took me more than a year to realize this collection, from start to finish. From sourcing the fabrics, to knowing who my team is, and how I was going to work around it all. What struck me during this process was my desire to visually represent the research I was conducting on minerals. I wanted to create new prints that reimagine well-known minerals like malachite and chrysocolla. I linked the colors in my designs to specific energies, aiming to create a safe space for the wearer. Ultimately, I want the person wearing my clothes to feel protected and comfortable. This realization marked a breakthrough in my research.

Theodore's Portfolio

Minerals have greatly influenced your project Living Rock, what inspired your initial interest?

It all goes back to my childhood in Congo. My father was a farmer living in a small town surrounded by mining operations. Over time, I watched these mining fields encroach upon our community. He collected minerals like malachite and cobalt, but I didn’t fully understand their significance until later.

Upon arriving in Belgium, I began to notice the interest in these stones among people in the West. It intrigued me, reminding me of my home and my father’s collection. I started questioning how these minerals ended up in Western households. My research revealed that many people view these stones as having healing properties, which made me explore their traditional uses in ceremonies back home. I also wanted to highlight the exploitation aspect of mineral extraction

Today, sustainability is a significant issue, particularly concerning the technological products we use daily. I aim to shine a light on this, as many forget that the resources we rely on often come from places where local communities don’t benefit from their exploitation.

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Why did you choose HOLYMPUS as the name of your brand? 

It took me a really long time to find a name that really resonated with me. Coming from a religious family, I was inspired by the rich stories of gods and goddesses in Greek culture. I wanted a name that felt meaningful and connected to my background.

In Greek Mythology, everybody knows the story of Mount Olympus with its Gods and Goddesses. That's an inspiration there. The symbolism behind that mountain is a big influence on me. Talking about mountains,  when I was younger my mom used to take me to a pilgrimage place called "La Montage de la Croix" not far from where we lived in Congo. With more digging into these subjects, I discovered that there was also a mountain on planet Mars called "Olympus Mons" which is the tallest mountain known to mankind. Forget Everest. That's the mountain I'm trying to climb. I'm a son of Mars and I was born in March. 

Also, as we're having this interview, it's my mothers birthday. She and all the women in my life are incredibly important to me. After my father passed away, their influence has shaped who I am today. I often think of them as a holy trinity: my girlfriend, my sister, and my mom. They are my Living Rocks. This idea of unity and support makes me feel empowered and grounded, adding depth to the name HOLYMPUS.


What's next for you and HOLYMPUS? 

I have several projects I'm working on, but I prefer to keep it on the low for now. But like I said, I’m still working, and I’m still learning, and I’ll always be curious about technology, and this world itself. I think my short term goal would be to build a universe around my brand. I’m really inspired by YOON, the creative director of AMBUSH, who has successfully managed to build a universe around her brand. On their website you can find a page about the lore of the brand, the inspiration around it, and it invites people to really dive into the story. I think that is something I would love to pursue in the near future. 

After finalizing my first collection, I feel amazing but also aim to maintain composure. During one of my previous internships, one of my mentors, Richard, once told me: “When things are bad, they are bad. But when they are good, it’s normal. You should remain neutral.”. I strive to live by this philosophy, staying humble and grounded as I navigate my journey.